December 6, 2022

Have you ever noticed that anytime you find yourself getting ready to expand into the next level for your growth and evolution, be that in your life, your business, your finances, your wellbeing, your body… with ease and flow… all kinds of obstacles can suddenly appear out of nowhere? It’s as if the universe is

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December 6, 2022

Ah, when inspiration strikes, go with it, right? As I was walking the other day, I suddenly remembered a conversation that occurred a few weeks ago when my grandfather showed up. Now, this is my grandfather from my mom’s side who passed away when I was 11 or 12. Anyway, every now and again, he’ll

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September 20, 2022

Abundance… What does that word evoke in you? And how is this reflected in your life? We’ve all come into this world with the Abundance Program installed.The question is… Which version are you running?The old one is programmed with scarcity-driven instructions for surviving based on abundance of lack and doubt… The Quantum Abundance program is designed to support

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March 12, 2022

You probably know I’ve been housesitting for the last 7 years… What you may or may not know… is that I used to have a lot of judgments about myself and this lifestyle. I had no idea this stuff was hiding under the surface until a few years ago…  It happened when all the ways of how I had

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March 26, 2021

Have you ever felt ignored? Invisible?  As if you weren’t in the room? Passed over?  Ever shared with someone how excited you were about doing something new and their response was something along the lines of: ‘Who’d be interested in that?! Why would anyone pay for that?Why would anyone buy that from you?’  Ever been told to shut up, stay quiet? As if

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