sacred journeys
Allowing greater joy and abundance into every area of your life... one day at a time.
Isn't it fascinating...
that the journey to BEing who you truly are is like a hero(ine)'s quest...
It asks of you to let go of all the limiting beLIEfs, programming and habits you've adopted...
that had you cover up your LIGHT, your divine BRILLIANCE and...
has very likely been sabotaging your JOY and flow of abundance...
Tina van Leuven
practical joy alchemist
Wherever you are on this sacred healing journey home to BEing all of YOU and
fully expressing the LIGHT you are in this world...
I invite you to join me for one or more of the transformational and empowering journeys below.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Lao Tzu
5 day challenges
5 day joy booster challenge
Ready for more JOY in your life?
I'll be guiding you through clearing the 5 biggest JOY BLOCKERS...
(some days this can be your kids!)
And you'll receive daily practical ACTION steps to ground your experience...
Ready to receive a JOY Boost?
5 day faith lift challenge
Is living in times of uncertainty and chaos making it hard for you to trust that all is well?...
Gift yourself a Faith Lift with these powerful energy clearings and meditations.
What can a Faith Lift do for YOU? Click the pretty pink button below to find out...
5 day money and miracles challenge
What's been blocking YOUR flow of money?...
Get ready to bust through those pesky limitations with these powerful energy clearings and activations!
I'll be supporting YOU with clearing through the 5 biggest obstacles to receiving the money and miracles you've been asking for.
I am certain that without your guidance I would not be living the dream I am now.
You showed me where my confidence was hiding and made some of the hardest, life changing decisions seem like a piece of cake.
Thank you for always believing in my dreams and reminding me what it really is that I want to manifest in my life.
40 day adventures
40 day Money and Miracles experience
Are you ready to forever change the way you feel and think about money... even if you've done a lot of inner work already?
Then you'll LOVE this 40 day journey!
40 days of joy
Increase your JOY vibe with these delicious color infused healing meditations to boost your JOY and Manifesting Mojo in just
10 minutes per day.
40 days of divine manifesting
Turn up your manifesting mojo as you discover the magic of partnering with your Divine Self to manifest a deeply fulfilling life of ABUNDANCE and JOY.
A truly deLIGHTful 40 day adventure!
90 day private immersion journeys
90 day money mindset makeover
A private coaching program to upgrade your Abundance Frequency and increase your Prosperity Consciousness so you can create a joy-filled life, discover purpose behind your passion, and experience meaning behind the money you're making.
90 day sacred joy reset
One of the fastest ways to increase the joy and flow of abundance in your life is to clear your hidden Joy Blockers. If you're not experiencing all the joy you would like in every area of your life, then the 90 Day Sacred JOY Reset Immersion journey may just be the answer to your prayers!
I used to have deep hang ups around receiving money for my Love Linguist & relationship coaching ... my money mindset was hindering me from being able to create the kind of impact I wanted to make.
With Tina's Money Mindset Makeover program I shifted the old paradigms of guilt, shame, and fear of what making money "means!" The learnings improved all areas of my life. Now I live in abundance (in every way) with a thriving practice serving my life purpose and helping others!
12 month mastery journeys -
joyful soul business and joyful living
12 month mastery journey -
joyful soul business
This isn’t a quick fix. A pill to pop. Or a set-it-and-forget-it solution. This is making the deep choice to align your mind, body and soul with the deeper purpose of your business so you can experience the joy of doing what you love AND creating financial success in ways that feel in integrity with what truly matters to you.
12 month mastery journey -
joyful living
If you’ve ever seen a child smile or laugh, then you know that we all have joy inside of us.
Everyone is born joyful. Including you.
Then somewhere along the line, most people learn that joy isn’t safe or that they can’t be joyful when others around them are miserable.
So they choose to dim or smother their joy until one day, they wake up and say ‘no more!’. They make the choice to reconnect with their joy and give themselves permission to express it anytime in everything they do.
That's when your hero(ine)s journey sends you your JOY Guide to support you on your sacred healing journey. Together, we'll clear what's been blocking YOUR joy and you'll learn to master the Art of Joyful Living. Every day.
Let's have a chat and find out if we made a divine appointment for me to be your Joy Guide on this phase of your journey!