March 12

How 2 Innocent Words Can Undermine Your Value


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How 2 Innocent Words Can Undermine Your Value

You probably know I've been housesitting for the last 7 years...

What you may or may not know... is that I used to have a lot of judgments about myself and this lifestyle.

I had no idea this stuff was hiding under the surface until a few years ago...

It happened when all the ways of how I had done business up until then, everything came to a screeching standstill. And I got to a point where I was like:

"Well, if I am meant to be doing my thing in the world, then guys (that's what I call my spirit team, lol), you better show me what it is I am to do, because this isn't working."

So I got to the point where I had to renew my business name registration. And as everything had come to a screeching halt, I was like:

"Okay, if I am meant to be letting this go, then so be it. And I'll JUST housesit."

That's when I realised that comment there ...

I will JUST ___________ and fill in the blank what that may be for you.

 I was minimising the value of the light and the joy that I bring into everyone's lives, including the furry ones by housesitting. 

And as I recognised that and saw all these judgments about housesitting - these judgments were partially my own, a lot of them I had picked up from others when people would say something along the lines of well, you know...

  • When are you going to get your own place? 


  • When are you going to get a REAL job?

You know, I was being told by some people that I was wasting my talents and my gifts and I had internalised them to mean that there was something wrong with me, that I was not good enough.

And Gosh, I must be doing something wrong and I'd better get my own place and you know ‘just’ housesitting was something that you do to pass the time. 

So it's similar to if you've ever been in a profession or especially for the artistic spirits among us if people tell you 'when are you going to get a real job?’

Or 'how's that going to pay the bills?'

Right? So I noticed that there were all these judgments and then came up all the comparisonitis issues, where I was not just comparing myself with where others were at on the journey, I was comparing myself with standards that I had bought into for myself that I was supposed to be experiencing or living. 

You know, here I was, at the time I was in my late 40s. And I was like:

What the heck, you know, you're supposed to be… and fill in the blank with destination goals I had decided that I should be at and not being there, and living a very unconventional life.... I had gone into a lot of comparisonitis, and really, really, really should-ing on myself.

And so earlier last year I actually realised:

Oh, my gosh, these are THIEVES OF JOY and JOY BLOCKERS.

Many people have the misperception that joy is this oh, bubbly, lighthearted energy. And don't realise that if you want to get to increased joy in your life, you have to be willing to clear out all those places within yourself where you have not allowed joy, where you have judged joy, where you have somehow shut it off. 

And that is a sacred healing journey.

And this stuff is not for the faint-hearted.

And I realised that I had not spoken openly about that before until I started getting all these downloads of these joy blockers. 

Followed by realising that the last few years I've been living through what these joy blockers can do, how they hold you back, and what they invite you to step into when they are transformed. 

And that's when the JOY Booster Bootcamp was born. :)

  • If you can relate to any of the above... 
  • If you've ever gone into comparisonitis...
  • If you've ever said or thought 'I'll JUST ______'
  • or had the Inner Shitty Committee go into overdrive with their judgments ( shoulding on you...)...
  • or found yourself dimming down your light or joy...

Then please join the JOY booster Bootcamp

All the details are HERE.

And if you know anyone who might love a JOY boost... then share this post and/or link with them.

They'll be thanking you later. :)

Joyful blessings,



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