Ever wondered what's truly holding you back from the wealth and joy you desire and deserve? Sometimes, it's just a matter of asking the right question.
That question might emerge unexpectedly, in a conversation where someone says something—maybe even you say it—and suddenly, it's like light bulbs flashing left, right, and centre...
- Tingles down your spine.
- Circuit breakers popping in your brain.
You just know something big has been activated.
That happened to me a few weeks ago.
One single question.
One seemingly simple question set into motion a deep unraveling—a full-on excavation of some really old limiting beliefs and identities I didn’t even realise I was still holding onto.
It challenged me to look at what version of me my soul was inviting me to step into.
And let me tell you, it was a game-changer.
You know how sometimes you circle around a theme for years?
- You explore abundance.
- You play with manifesting.
- You upgrade your money mindset.
- You embody joy.
And then—bam.
It all clicks in a way you couldn’t have orchestrated if you tried.
That’s exactly what happened.
I’ve been practicing Abundance Alchemy for much longer than I had words for it. And now, through my podcast, it’s like the energy itself is dancing with me—bringing themes to the surface, reflecting what’s showing up in the collective, and weaving together the deeper layers of this work in ways I never expected.
This question? It opened Pandora’s box.
It unearthed memories. It unraveled old programming—rules I didn’t even realise I was still following. And as this is shifting within me, I can feel it having a ripple effect in the collective.
In this week's episode, I reveal the million-dollar question that started this entire unraveling. We’ll explore:
The hidden patterns of permission-seeking that are STILL playing out, even when we think we’ve broken free.
The generational imprints that influence what we allow ourselves to receive.
The identity shift that happens when you fully claim your sovereignty.
Wealth sovereignty isn’t just about money. It’s about who gets to decide what you can have, what you’re allowed to receive, and what version of you gets to exist in the world.
This episode is a permission slip to step into your next-level identity—and an invitation for you to decide, right here, right now, that you’re done waiting.
Let’s dive into the magic of Abundance Alchemy. Together!
Listen and Follow on Apple Podcast - click HERE
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Ready to take this work deeper?
Explore my transformative courses, meditations, and tools to support your quantum growth at https://upliftersnation.com/academy/
Plus, discover more about me, my journey, and how we can work together to raise your abundance frequency HERE.