What Will YOU Allow Yourself To Receive?

I just love creating EXPERIENCES that facilitate deep transformation and turn UP the JOY in every area of life...

so of course that also includes bringing more JOY into YOUR experience with MONEY. 😍

Say whaaaat???


Heck yeah!

As you've probably already worked out for yourself...

it's NEVER really about money...

so hence...

when you transform your relationship with MONEY, you transform EVERY relationship in your life!

It's about INCREASING what you will ALLOW yourself to RECEIVE...

with EASE and JOY...

instead of struggle and sacrifice.

We all arrived on this planet in a body that was installed with the old 'no pain, no gain' operating system.

Unless you were born post 2012.

You've received many updates to the software over the years.

You'll even have received the zip file with the NEW operating system to THRIVE through and beyond the current times.

The question is:

Have you unzipped, installed AND activated this new operating system that is based on growth and expansion through JOY and EASE?

Perhaps you have...perhaps not yet...

Either way, as we're in a MEGA RESET and NEW BEGINNINGS phase...

  • which tends to bring up EVERYTHING that was created with lower frequencies...
  • and hence simply will NOT work as our planetary frequencies are increased...
  • there are plenty of updates available for us to receive and activate...

That's why I'm SO super duper EXCITED to be hosting the 2020 version of the 5 Day Money and Miracles Challenge 💥😍🎉😍

Money Miracles couple beach

Come JOIN us? It starts NEXT week.

LIVE from Monday, June 22nd through Friday, June 26th.

Here's the link to register:


Here’s a taste of what you’ll experience during our 5 days... 

💕 Discover the 3 word Money Miracle Mantra that will instantly align you with the joy and abundance you desire and deserve.

💕 Find out which of the 4 most common sabotaging money beliefs is zapping your money mojo and experience the freedom as you release its grip on you for once and for all.

💕 Turn up your manifesting power with this simple, yet very effective method for instantly clearing your money crap and tapping into new flow of abundance.

💕 Reclaim your ticket to freedom so you never have to deal with feeling unworthy, guilty or "not enough" when it comes to money ever again.

💕 How to recognise the inner shitty committee and stop them from boycotting your juicy money goals so you can actually receive the increased flow of abundance you’ve been seeking.

Invite your friends to join us, too. They'll thank you! 🙏


What will YOU allow yourself to receive?

Have a fab week!

joy sprinkles from Perth,



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