Janine Gregor – Turn Your Virtual Professional into a Profit Center

5 day abundance reset challenge

Janine Gregor is setting a new standard in building virtual teams for entrepreneurs. Janine Gregor is known in the virtual world as the
VA Matchmaker. She connects entrepreneurs with virtual professionals.

As a successful VA since 2006, Janine brings to the Matchmaking business an intimate understanding of what it takes to form a successful VA-Client partnership.

While skills are important, it is the personality, attitude and mutual beliefs that Janine scrutinizes for each VA match. This intuitive assessment skill is what sets Janine apart in the virtual team building arena.

Janine has placed Virtual Professionals with well-known online coaches such as Marisa Murgatroyd of Live Your Message, Lisa Sasevich of Speak to Sell and Sharla Jacobs of The Thrive Academy​, as well as with your Abundance Reset Challenge host.

If you've ever undervalued yourself or your services, then listen in to this juicy interview as Janine shares how ​she ​has seen this ​prevent many an entrepreneur from getting the help they know they need ​and how to change that so you can be in your zone of brilliance ​with the right support team in place.

And Janine shared ​a bonus smoking hot tip ​for your virtual professional(s) ​to support you during webinars to boost your sales. Even if webinars are not part of your biz (yet), her golden nuggets ​may just ​spark a few other ideas for you and your own dream team.

loved this juicy interview and want to get janine's offer to dive deeper?

​Then you'll love the Super Juicy Abundant Soulpreneur Bundle, which includes Janine's awesome ​​VA On-Boarding Flight Plan.

Your VA On-Boarding Flight Plan' is a must-have resource when you're looking to add a virtual professional to your team to support the growth of your business.

It reveals what you absolutely must know so your VA can hit your business running - taking off at maximum velocity. In this video training Janine Gregor - Virtual Dream Team Builder - shows you how to set yourself up for success with your own Dream Team.

​Plus over $2000 worth of other premium resources to support you with increasing the flow of abundance in your life and business.
​Check out what's included and get yours now while it's still available.

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