Darla Kirchner on Discovering the 3 Key Elements of your Personal Brand so you can Captivate your Ideal Clients

5 day abundance reset challenge

With over 20 years of entrepreneurial expertise, ​Darla Kirchner - Brand Story Coach for Women in Business​ -  is passionate about creating authentic brand stories that connect to their ideal clients.

She uses her innovative problem solving skills and out of the box skills to help others see what is possible.  Working with them to design authentic brand identities, meaningful marketing messaging, and strategies that align their goals and grows their business and make the impact they desire.

​If you're starting our or are ready to re-brand, then be sure to listen in to this  juicy interview as Darla shared that branding is so much more than ‘just’ your logo. She revealed the 3 key elements you must have in place before you even start designing the visual elements for your website and how she wish she’d known that when she started out many moons ago as it would have saved her thousands of dollars!

loved this juicy interview and want to get darla's offer to dive deeper?

​Then you'll love the Super Juicy Abundant Soulpreneur Bundle, which includes Darla's awesome ​​The Color of YOU program.

​​The Color Of You Program will help you discover and define the colors of your brand so you can clearly and confidently connect to your ideal audience.

​Plus over $2000 worth of other premium resources to support you with increasing the flow of abundance in your life and business.
​Check out what's included and get yours now while it's still available.

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