Would you like to experience more ease and flow with money?
As most people are aware, money stirs up a lot of mixed emotions.
Most everyone has unconsciously bought into the distortions and beLIEfs about it-
according to which they're living their life every day.
Have you ever thought:
‘As soon as I have $$ then I’ll be free, then I can relax, then I’ll feel secure?
If so, then you are definitely not alone.
If you’d like to create an empowering experience with money instead,
then let me introduce you to your
Sacred Money Archetypes®
and how to get them working with you to achieve your desired intentions,
instead of sabotaging you every step of the way.
During our time together in this online Playshop you will:
I’m a big fan of practical spirituality.
After all, unless you actually implement what you’ve discovered then what’s the point, right?
So... if this is getting a HECK YEAH response from you, then this Playshop is for YOU.
Practical Details
It's normally US$97
As a special event for Simone's tribe you can participate for only AU$47
You'll even get the recording for lifetime access.
What are you waiting for?
Sign up below.
About Tina
Practical Joy Alchemist
Tina is a Practical Joy Alchemist helping uplifters live a purpose fuelled, judgment-free and JOY filled life.
Tina walks her talk when it comes to joyful living. She lives in trust with the universe, knowing that she’s in the right place at the right time, although she’ll be the first to say her ego doesn’t always agree!
Her practical and light heartened approach means she’ll help you unpack your hidden blocks to joy and abundance, bringing life altering a-ha moments.
She’ll show you how to turn off your Inner Shitty Committee, upgrade your money mindset, and align with your soul path so your life and business are a true expression of your abundant divine essence.
She brings 30+ years experience of powerful energy healing from around the world to her practical out-of-the-box coaching style.