tina van leuven
practical joy alchemist

Watch this delicious transmission to discover...

  • How to find and activate your Joy Spot for abundant living
  • The upgrades available at this pivotal time on our planet to create a FUNdation for the rest of your life 
  • A super simple, yet powerful daily ritual to create a life worth waking up for every day! 
  •  and lots more...

Want to deepen your experience with some reflective journaling questions to embody joy?

Tina van Leuven knows how to activate your Joy Spot for abundant living. She's passionate about helping others Source their life from joy, freedom and abundance instead of playing by the old rules of struggle, sacrifice and obligation. She absolutely loves helping her clients upgrade their money mindset and align with their soul path so their life and business are a true expression of their divine essence.

Tina brings 30+ years experience of powerful energy healing from around the world to her practical out-of-the-box coaching style and has helped her clients find and marry the love of their life, make more money with more ease than ever before, transition out of their jobs into successful and fulfilling careers and businesses, move across continents to live somewhere they love and create a life worth waking up for every day.

Tina is known as the Practical Joy Alchemist. She’s the host of the JOY Evolution Summit, has created numerous transformational online programs, including the life changing 40 Days of Money and Miracles and the popular Money Mindset Makeover. 

When she’s not creating magic with her clients, you’ll find her in the Indian ocean, playing with the dogs or cats she’s looking after, listening to inspiring podcasts, making her famous curry for friends, having a coffee at the beach and writing in her journal as new inspiration lands for what else is possible, or lounging on the couch with a good book or watching a movie.

Find out more at https://tinavanleuven.com

And for upcoming classes and events, check out https://tinavanleuven.com/joy-shop

Loved this juicy conversation?

Grab the Juicy JOY Bundle and download the 33 audios of the entire summit to keep your Joy Tank filled plus get the Joy Sparker Journal to deepen your experience 

and spark inspiring conversations. Yours for just $47 

How does it get any better than that? Get yours HERE

Juicy JOY Bundle
Your host:

Tina van Leuven,

Practical Joy Alchemist


Let joy be your guide to a life that's worth waking up for every day!

© 2019, InnerDelight - Tina van Leuven
