​dr minette riordan
​​​Founder of ​The Confident Creative Playshop

Watch th​is delicious conversation to discover...

Dr Minette Riordan
  • ​3 Ways Creative Play Relieves Stress and Creates More Joy in Your Life
  • ​​How to reconnect to your creativity, curiosity and courage
  • ​​​Why connecting to creativity will bring more joy and abundance into your life
  •  and lots more...

​Want to deepen your experience with some reflective journaling questions to embody joy?

​​Dr. Minette Riordan is a modern day Renaissance woman; she is an artist, writer, serial entrepreneur and advocate for creativity as essential to our well-being.

She has built several successful businesses, supported hundreds of women in business and published 3 books that teach creatives to be successful in business including her best seller The Artful Marketer.  

Minette helps women leaders to reconnect to their innate creativity. She believes that when we are all working in our highest and best creative genius, we can solve all the world’s problems.

Find out more at ​​http://www.minetteriordan.com​​​

Follow ​​minette on social at:

Facebook Page at ​​​https://www.facebook.com/DrMinetteRiordan

Instagram at @drminetteriordan

Twitter at @minetter

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How does it get any better than that? Get yours HERE

Juicy JOY Bundle
Your host:

​Tina van Leuven,

Practical Joy Alchemist


​Let joy be your guide to a life that's worth waking up for every day!

​​​​© 2019, InnerDelight - Tina van Leuven
