m. shannon hernandez
Marketing Strategist and Consultant
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M. Shannon Hernandez is not your average entrepreneur. After a 15 year public teaching career, she jumped feet first into her journey as a business owner, and within just a few years, she had built a multi-six figure business.
A sought after expert in the world of content marketing and strategy, Shannon is known globally as the creator of the Content Personality™ Wheel. She is a voice and role model for Thought Leaders around the world, teaching them how to market their innovative ideas in a way that honors who they are and what they believe.
In 2016 Shannon founded The Confident Expert™ Program, where she champions and rallies entrepreneurs, teaching them how to market their businesses from a place of intuition, integrity, and JOY--and create a life they love waking up to every.single.day.
Find out more at https://mshannonhernandez.com/
Follow m. shannon on social at:
Facebook Page at https://facebook.com/MShannonHernandezContentStrategist/
Instagram at @mshannonhernandez
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© 2019, InnerDelight - Tina van Leuven