jacqueline kane
Stop the Pain Specialist
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By diving deep underneath the surface and symptoms of chronic pain, Jacqueline Kane, the Stop the Pain Specialist, supports women in discovering and healing the crucial hidden links between physical pain, finances, and the ability to live a full life.
With over 15-years in private practice as a healer, and over 30-years in health care, Jacqueline has merged her innate wisdom with a multitude of healing modalities, including Bowenwork, Emotional Freedom Technique, Evolutionary Meditation, Soul Clearing and more to create unique, results-oriented methods for healing.
Jacqueline’s powerful programs, available to individuals, groups, and organizations, liberate clients from both physical pain and financial struggle, so they create a path to energy, health, ease with money, and personal fulfillment. She is the creator of the Healthy Wealthy Success System© that guides women in creating a joyful, pain-free life full of energy and financial success.
Find out more at www.jacquelinemkane.com
Follow jacqueline on social at:
Facebook Page at www.facebook.com/Jacquemkane
Instagram at @painfree_with_jacque
Twitter at @Jacquikane
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© 2019, InnerDelight - Tina van Leuven