​anne rose hart
​Founder Quantum Play Institute

Watch th​is delicious conversation to discover...

  • ​​3 Levels of Evolving Yourself to Evolve the Whole
  • ​A foundational Quantum Play (TM) practice to allow more ease, flow, and abundance. ​It's super FUN!
  • ​The power of laughter and ​what neuroscience has revealed about actualizing your creative gifts and living your full potential.
  •  and lots more...

​Want to deepen your experience with some reflective journaling questions to embody joy?

​​​​​​​Anne Rose Hart, M.A.,  Founder of the Quantum Play(TM) Institute and a uniquely gifted, playful, and compassionate teacher and student of life, has been intensely curious about optimal human performance and peak experiences since she climbed to the roof of her grandfather’s house at 18 months of age.

With clients & students in 15 countries and counting,  Anne draws from her diverse background as a biplane wing-walker, skydiving instructor, triathlete, jazz pianist, scuba diver, barrel racer, historian, web developer, leader of global joy retreats, laughter yogi, occasional raw foodist, and human potential junkie to inspire leaders to challenge the status quo, dare to do the impossible, and rise above “ordinary” to co-create a more compassionate, inclusive, and sustainable world.

Find out more at ​​​https://annerosehart.com​​​

Follow ​​​​​​​anne on social at:

Facebook Page at ​​www.facebook.com/annerosehart1

Instagram at @annerosehart

Twitter at @annerosehart

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and spark inspiring conversations. ​​Yours for just $47 

How does it get any better than that? Get yours HERE

Juicy JOY Bundle
Your host:

​Tina van Leuven,

Practical Joy Alchemist


​Let joy be your guide to a life that's worth waking up for every day!

​​​​© 2019, InnerDelight - Tina van Leuven
