​amrita sophia le page
​Relationship & Intimacy Coach

Watch th​is delicious conversation to discover...

  • ​​H​ow connecting to your Sexual Energy is the key to massively upleveling your life and unlocking your power, passion & pleasure.
  • ​​How to ​claim a life that really turns you on​!
  •  Why Sex is Power.
  • and lots more...

​​Want to deepen your experience with some reflective journaling questions to embody joy?

​Amrita Sophia is a Relationship & Intimacy Coach and Kundalini Yoga Teacher. Hailing from Australia, she travelled the world for 8 years, studying with Masters of many traditions, before settling in Bali, Indonesia.

What lights her fire is deep, expansive conversation, moving her body through yoga and dance, nesting in her jungle house and sharing life and love with her beautiful man.

Her chequered past, failed marriage, and years of struggling with intense perfectionism and self-love sparked a world-wide journey of self-discovery and healing and informed her soul mission - to empower women and couples to experience Mind-Blowing Sex, Deeper Love and Lasting Intimacy.

Find out more at ​https://amritasophia.com​​​

Follow ​amrita sophia on social at:

Facebook Page at ​​ https://www.facebook.com/amritasophialepage/

Instagram at  @amritasophialepage

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How does it get any better than that? Get yours HERE

Juicy JOY Bundle

Your host:

​Tina van Leuven,

Practical Joy Alchemist


​Let joy be your guide to a life that's worth waking up for every day!

​​​​© 2019, InnerDelight - Tina van Leuven
