Money Miracles couple beach

woot, woot! you're in!

Almost there... Please follow these confirmation steps for you to get immediate access to the
5 Day Money and Miracles Challenge.

Step 1

Check the email inbox of the address that you used to sign up on the previous page.

Step 2

Find the email sent by Tina van Leuven with the subject line: Access Your 5 Day Money and Miracles Challenge.

Step 3

Open this email and you'll find all the practical details for our 5 days together. Done!

get the money and miracles bundle for only us$29

You can participate in the LIVE 5 Day Money and Miracles Challenge for free from June 22- June 26 as you get to experience me supporting YOU with clearing through the 5 biggest obstacles to receiving the money and miracles you've been asking for.

The replays will only be available until June 29th, when the private group for our challenge will be closed.

If you'd like to have lifetime access to the downloadable audio mp3's plus the meditations, energy clearings and activations from the 5 Day Money and Miracles Challenge, then get the Money and Miracles Bundle for only US$29
