Looking for a Printable Planner that combines Practical Action with Energy Alignment?

Look no further! The LIGHT HEARTed Living Playbook is your printable monthly guide for intention setting and practical action steps to turn your cherished dreams into reality. 

Here's why you'll love it

Get Crystal Clear

Your playbook takes you on a guided journey to get crystal clear on how to declare your intentions and set goals that actually LIGHT you up. You're here to thrive as you express your brilliance in the world... and even if that hasn't been your experience to date, that's about to change. This is the LIGHT HEARTed Living approach to turning your cherished dreams into reality and creating a fulfilling life in alignment with your soul.

Priority Matrix - Bye, Bye Overwhelm

One of the biggest obstacles for so many soul-inspired creators is getting overwhelmed and not knowing how or what to prioritize. That then leads to confusion and the infamous procrastination game... Well, say goodbye to overwhelm and waiting for the 'right time' with the Priority Matrix!
You'll quickly see where to focus your time and energy to get the best results.

Weekly Planners, Practical Action and Journal Prompts

With your top priorities for the month revealed thanks to the Priority Matrix, you'll have weekly planner sheets for quick glance overview and staying on track with your Practical Actions. And of course this Printable Planner Playbook wouldn't be complete without journalling prompts to reflect on how far you've come and to celebrate your accomplishments!

Hi, I'm Tina van Leuven

I help entrepreneurs live their purpose judgment-free and joy filled so their life and business are a true expression of their abundant divine essence.

I'm known as the Practical Joy Alchemist.
Founder of the Sacred JOY Circle, international bestseller author and host of the JOY Evolution Summit.

I have created numerous transformational online programs, including the life changing 40 Days of Money and Miracles, 40 Days of JOY and the popular Money Mindset Makeover

When I'm not creating magic with my clients, you’ll find me in the Indian ocean, playing with the dogs or cats I'm looking after, listening to inspiring podcasts, making my famous curry for friends, having a coffee at the beach and writing in my journal as new inspiration lands for what else is possible, or lounging on the couch with a good book or watching a movie.
